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Statement of Purpose

   The primary objective of the L.I.G.H.T. Co-op is to supplement and enhance the education provided by Christian homeschooling parents.  This is not a developing Christian school.  As home school parents, we feel called of God to be the primary educators of our own children, believing that the parent-to-child tutoring situation is the most effective teaching model.  Deut 6:5-7. However, we recognize a need to expand our model to include the interaction of a group setting and/or additional expertise in some specific areas. 

   The L.I.G.H.T. Co-op is geared toward all educational levels, from preschool through high school,  These classes will be taught by adults who are especially knowledgeable and are enthusiastic about teaching a particular subject, whether they be homeschooling parents or people who have a vision for homeschooling. 

   It is the nature of a co-op to be a cooperative effort on the part of everyone involved.  Therefore, each parent is required to help out in some way, whether in a teaching role, as a teacher's aide, nursery helper, or game room supervisor.  Adults who are teaching will be approved by the steering committee.  We also have a cooperative schedule for the end-of-the-day cleaning, so that every family bears that load equally.  This helps us keep the cost of this program to a minimum. 

   Parents are always ultimately responsible for their own children.  The co-op is an extension of your home school, not a replacement.  We want to make the most of the resources available to us through other Christian homeschoolers in an effort to strengthen our children's educational experience. 



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