Guidelines for Participation in the
L.I.G.H.T. Co-op
~Learning In God's Hands Together~
1. Scriptural Foundation: All families participating in the LIGHT Co-op will be expected to operate within some basic Biblical parameters. This is our statement of faith: We believe in the eternally existing triune God, Man's sinful nature and need for redemption, and Jesus Christ's atoning death and resurrection. We believe in the inerrancy of the Bible and that it is the foundation upon which all education should be based.
2. Cooperative Effort: Each student's parent is required to help with the Co-op in some way, be it a teaching role, as a teacher's aide, nursery helper, lunchroom helper, game room supervisor, or security detail each week throughout the school year. For the protection of all Co-op members, a background check will be required for all adults working with children under 18. This is a very important aspect of being a part of co-op.
3. Supervision: Children must be supervised at all times. This means you must not only know where your children are, but also be with them if they are not already in the direct supervision of another adult. Drop-offs are not permitted. Please keep children in supervised areas of the building only. Some areas of the church are off limits, such as the Sanctuary, and the offices.
4. Common Sense: Keep in mind that this is a church with offices, and that ther may be counseling or church business taking place. We will need to keep quiet in the halls. Here is a good general guideline to keep in mind; if you see something happening that could cause damage to individuals or property, please see that it is stopped. We also need to keep our words edifying. If you overhear a conversation that you don't want your child to hear, take a stand and confront the child in love. If the parents need to know about a wrongdoing of the child, please go to them in love as well and not to someone else. However, major concerns may be brought to a member of the Co-op Steering Committee: Cassie Connin, Amanda Gotts, Larry Keck, Ronda Keck, Michelle Miller, and Melissa Robertson.
5. Homework/Discipline Concerns: If a student is attending a class in which homework is assigned, please be sure that they het it done and turn it in on time. Teachers who have any problems with an inattentive or uncooperative student will contact the parent to resolve the issue. We do not want other students to endure a difficult learning environment because of one child's negative attitude. Discipline procedure will be as follows. 1) Teacher/Student; 2) Teacher/Parent/Student; 3)Teacher/Parent/Student/Committee. Please parents, keep in touch with your students' teachers. It is your responsibility.
6. Personal Electronics: Students will not be allowed to bring electronic devices (cell phone, ipod, gaming devices, tablets, etc) into the building.
7. Clean up: Jasper Bible Church is being gracious to allow us use of their facility for this endeavor. Please pick up after yourself and help us keep things neat and tidy. There will be a Lost and Found box for items left at the church. Please do not call the church to ask them if they have found your misplaced item. There will be a schedule for each family to help with clean up responsibilities at the end of the day, so that every family helps bear the load equally in the Co-op.
8. Announcements: Please read any notices placed on the Co-op bulletin board each week. There will be important information shared there from week to week that you should not miss. This will be our primary form of communication to everyone.
9. Lunch: Families may pack lunches, which may be placed in one of the refrigerators in the kitchen and eaten in the fellowship hall over the lunch period. We ask that each person clean up their place at the table and take care of their own chair when finished. Once a month we will have a pot luck. Please see the information table or upcoming events tab for more information.
10. Cost: A family membership fee of $35 per family for the school year will be collected at time of registration. Registration costs for individual classes cover supplies for those particular classes. Teachers who are part of the co-op are equal volunteers, just like everyone else helping out, and are not paid for their services, with the exception of classes in which skilled professionals outside the Co-op are teaching. Membership and registration fees are non refundable.
11. As a reminder: Parents are ultimately responsible for their own children. Should damages occur to church property, the family or families of the child/children responsible will be required to pay restitution for the repair.
12. Since this is a co-op in which a parent is required to be present and participating, L.I.G.H.T. will not be held liable under any circumstance.